Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Antediluvian New Orleans Was Paradise

No, it's true. From 1877 till 1980, Louisiana has been under the rule of the Democratic Party. From 1980 through the present, the leadership of the state has switched every 4 years. That's a combined total of 111 years of leftist policies.

The Democrat's stated agenda suggests they are the party of "security, opportunity, and responsibility." If this is the case, then New Orleans before the flood was safe, prosperous and just.

I suppose that's why the 2002 crime statistics for New Orleans are so far over the national average. Or why the unemployment rate has been so very high under democratic leadership for that state.

Really, the unemployment numbers literally ebb and rise under Republicans and Democrats respectively. From 1988 to present, you can actually see unemployment grow when a Democrat takes office and shrink immeidately after a Republican takes office. But...aren't the Democrats the party of the common man?

Oh, concerning justice in Pre-flood New Orleans; example after example after example.

So, with all the socialistic leadership in that area, why isn't it the model of enlightened society? Seriously, I'm really asking.


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